Last week, Mount Markham High School SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) and the New York Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee sponsored Speaker Karen Torres.
Speaking in advance of prom, Torres's message resonated deeply with our students.

On March 17, 2006, Karen Torres received a phone call that forever changed her life. Her father, Patrick Mapleson, was struck and killed by a distracted driver while working along the highway.
Since 2009, Torres has been heavily involved with the ongoing issue of distracted driving, and she is deeply driven to prevent crashes and deaths from distracted driving.
In July 2013, Karen was asked by Governor Cuomo to speak alongside him at a “No Texting While Driving” press conference.
Torres is working tirelessly to educate New York State on what it means to be a distracted driver and its deadly consequences.
We are grateful to Karen Torres for taking the time to educate our students on this crucial issue.