Student Services
Social Worker: Crystal Dibble
Guidance Office: 315-822-2875
Useful Links
Students are referred to the counselors through self-referrals, teachers/staff, other students, parents, administrators and the nurse. All issues discussed with a student and/or parents are kept in strict confidence. Some of the subjects that have been discussed with counselors include peer relationships, divorce, loss of a loved one, peer pressure, self-esteem, personal difficulties, choices, drugs and their dangers, personal/family difficulties, expressing and managing feelings [anger, sadness, jealousy, etc.], effective communication, homework,grades, student/parent relationships, student/teacher relationships, courses required for graduation, career exploration, job descriptions, setting goals and other concerns.
In addition to the services mentioned above, counselors work with students in group settings, such as group counseling and mediation, to effectively reach those with common concerns and issues. Group counseling provides a safe haven for students to share feelings and receive support when facing certain issues such as divorce, etc. Mediation between peers, teachers, etc. is sometimes necessary as a solution for an issue or concern.
Counselors provide information and resources to parents, teachers, and community members on a variety of issues and assist in facilitating referrals to outside agencies including but not limited to outside therapists/psychiatrists, hospital programs, out of district school programs, and the PINS process. Placement reviews and planning occurs with information gathering that includes teachers, administration, parents, psychologists, school nurse and counselors.