Honor Roll

There are three levels of Honor Roll which is calculated at the end of each of the four marking periods each year. It is based on the marking period average listed at the bottom of a student's report card. In addition to needing a particular marking period average, eligible students also need to pass all of their classes with a 65% or higher for that particular marking period. In the marking period average, classes that meet every other day count half as much as classes that meet every day. Honor Roll is based on the following schedule:

High Honor Roll

95% and higher

Honor Roll

90 - 94.999%

Commended Honor Roll

85 - 89.999%

Honor Hall

Honor Hall is a less restrictive study hall where students have more privileges including being able to talk quietly with others, using their phones, and signing out to see a teacher or the library without a pre-signed pass. Students' schedules are changed to/from Study Hall or Honor Hall at the end of each marking period based on their marking period average. Just like with Honor Roll. eligible students also need to pass all of their classes with a minimum grade of 65% for that particular marking period.

Students who pass all of their classes and meet the following grade requirement for the previous marking period are scheduled for Honor Hall instead of Study Hall.

Students in grades 9-11 who are not enrolled in an AP course

88% or higher

Students in grades 10-11 who are enrolled in an AP course

85% or higher


85% or higher