Athletic Placement Process
The Mount Markham Central School District will utilize an adapted version of the NYSPHSAA sponsored Athletic Placement Process, as follows:
Student athletes may only be recommended for the Athletic Placement Process by a coach, physical education teacher, or Athletic Director. Students will only be recommended for advancement with the approval of the APP Committee.
The Mount Markham Central School District will utilize the following steps in the Athletic Placement Process:
The recommendation is made to the Athletic Director, with supporting documentation of the student’s exceptional skill by the athlete’s coach. The sports skill evaluation form in the APP handbook should be used.
The Athletic Director will contact student’s parent to determine if they are in support of going through the APP Process and inform parent on the procedure.
The student will meet with the district medical director for approval.
The Athletic Director will contact the Middle School Principal regarding the student and she / he will convene the Athletic Placement Process Committee to determine if the student is approved to proceed in the process. The voting committee will be made up of:
The middle school principal
The coach that would be receiving the player on his/her team
A middle school physical education teacher
Team Leader for student’s prior school year
Team Leader for student’s current school year
The APP Committee will assess the student’s exceptional skill, social and emotional maturity, as well as academic ability through a rubric. The recommending coach, MS nurse, guidance counselor will be allowed to speak briefly at the meeting to share their opinion.
If the APP Committee gives their approval, a High School / Elementary Physical Education Teacher according to guidelines set by the NYSED will complete the physical fitness test.
Once the prior steps have been completed, the Athletic Director will contact the student and parent to update them on the status of the process.
When all five criteria are successfully met, this information will be submitted to the Director of Athletics for final review.
Recommendations for APP are to be made prior to the following dates:
Fall, May 15, Winter, October 1, Spring, Feb 1.
The APP committee will convene to discuss the students approximately two weeks after the APP seasonal deadline.
As per NYSPHSAA regulations, students may try-out for up to three days (eight days for football) before a final determination on placement is made. It is important to note that if a student participates at the advanced level, s/he cannot return to the modified level during that season.
The coach must keep the best interest of the athlete as the top priority.
For more information, please visit Athletic Placement Process for Interschool Athletic Programs.